10 Lessons From My First Pop-Up Market
I just finished my first pop-up market, and it was all so new to me. I really had no idea what I was doing 3 weeks ago--- but it happened, it was fun, I sold some things, and I’m on the other side! Here are my top 10 tips as you register and attend your first pop-up market...
1. Bring a cash box
I’m a millennial. I’m also very lazy and don’t go to the ATM. What even is an ATM? However, I learned that people actually do use cash. In fact, the majority of my customers preferred to pay in cash. For example, I was selling a pack of 2 stickers for $3. This was my most popular item that day, and many customers handed me a $10 bill. You will definitely need $1 and $5 bills.
2. All you really need is a banner, table, and tent.
If you are starting from scratch, I recommend prioritizing these main purchases. I invested in a high-quality, vinyl banner that was 5 feet by 2 feet, and I'm so happy I did. These staple items should be high-quality if you plan to be a vendor in more markets. If you are able to spend a little extra money on a nice tent and banner, it’s worth it!

3. Gather your inventory early
If you have products or supplies that you need to order prior to the event, plan ahead as much as possible. Three days before my event, my journals (one of my main offerings) were lost in the mail, delivered to the wrong address in my neighborhood, and I was struggling with the post office. All is well, thanks to Next Door App and nice neighbors, but it was STRESSFUL.
4. Provide several product options between $3-$10
At the market I attended, my most popular items were the smaller offerings like greeting cards and stickers. I recommend providing a few different options of small items between $3-$10. If someone wants to support you but doesn’t have a lot of money on hand, it’s great to have a few options around the $5 mark.

5. Recruit some help
If you can rally a family member or friend for set up and tear down, start batting your eyelashes now! My husband and mom were literally amazing. They helped me load up, set up, brought me food, kept me company, and tear down. I probably worked them a little too much (LOL), but it’s definitely worth asking someone to come help you if possible. If not, don’t be afraid to meet the other vendors and help each other out!
6. Bring business cards
These events seem to bring about a lot of opportunities to network. The night before the event, I didn’t have business cards because my business has been entirely online up until this point. So...picture this... 10pm with a glass of wine and a paper cutter the night before my pop-up… making business cards. Yes, they were janky. Yes, I forgot to put my email on them. Don't be me, and order your business cards now!
7. Test your Point of Sale system offline
One of my big scares before my event was using a POS system for the first time. I ordered the Shopify payment terminal because I wanted the inventory to sync to my website. Make sure you test your system before event day and ensure it works without wifi connection. Most systems work on cellular data, but in order to use my iPad to complete transactions, I needed to use my phone as a hotspot. I have a long sob story about how I literally had to upgrade my cellular data plan the day before the event to make this work, but I digress.. most of you probably have data.
8. Bring something eye-catching
Before my event, I painted a large green mountain-inspired landscape and purchased a tall floor easel for display. I placed it proudly outside my tent, along with a wheelbarrow full of large, eye-catching artwork. Don't be afraid to get creative. I recommend incorporating at least one large item that will catch attention!
9. Tailor to your audience
Do some research on the event, and bring the right products at the right price for your audience. Honestly, most of the items I brought to my event were a bit too pricey for the audience. I recommend bringing more small, inexpensive items. Arrange your display so that you don’t scare people off with high prices. I had too many $100+ original paintings hiding my $3 stickers.
10. Snacks Snacks Snacks
Need I say more? All I had was tic tacs, and I was eating them by the handful!
If you made it this far, thanks for reading, and good luck with your first pop-up!
Follow me on instagram @megelainemiller
Now, here is a picture of me confused at my event...