"Golden Hour" is an original acrylic painting on canvas board. It measures 9in x 12in and is framed in a 11in x 14in black frame with a white border and glass.
It will be sold ready to hang. It will also be signed in the bottom right-hand corner and sealed with premium varnish for protection.
*Please note that the photos are edited as close to the original colors as possible but may vary slightly from screen to screen. The second photo is designed to show context, but please double check the actual dimensions of each painting to be sure it fits your space. If you would like to request a video of the details of any painting, I'm happy to provide a close-up look at any item over email or Instagram. Please note this painting will also be reproduced into fine art prints in the future.
As always, shipping or delivery within the U.S. is free because who likes to pay shipping?